“Storie da Raccontare” goes to the sea, with Vanni Oddera and Monica Cisi

The journey of “Storie da Raccontare” doesn’t stop, even during the summer: it follows the sun and takes us to the seaside.

This month, our Vanni Oddera, founder of Mototerapia, travelled to Noli, in the Bay of Saracens in Liguria, together with Monica Cisi.

Monica, who is a content creator, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in 2009, a form of cancer that led her to no longer be able to use her legs.

During their journey on board the new 600 Elettrica, she told Vanni about her path to regaining her autonomy, the role of sport in her life, and also offered a piece of advice to those facing a situation like hers, that of never giving up.

And she did not give up during the action experience with Vanni either, showing that she too has “UnaMarciaInPiù”: together they let the wind carry them through the waves of the sea.

Monica’s enthusiasm also overwhelmed us in the Autonomy program, which strives every day to give greater freedom to anyone with motor, sensory or intellectual limitations by adapting Stellantis Group cars with individual and transport solutions.

Watch the video and feel their adrenaline rush!

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